Bhutan surnames ranking

Most populous surname in the Bhutan

World surname ranking.

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Bhutan surnames ranking

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Ranking Surname Population Percentage
1 Dorji about 49,415 6.5502%
2 Wangmo about 37,845 5.0166%
3 Rai about 37,311 4.9458%
4 Dema about 29,364 3.8924%
5 Zangmo about 24,250 3.2145%



Ranking Surname Population Percentage
6 Tshering about 24,189 3.2064%
7 Choden about 23,437 3.1067%
8 Lhamo about 22,653 3.0028%
9 Gurung about 16,511 2.1886%
10 Wangchuk about 15,400 2.0414%
11 Wangdi about 14,726 1.9520%
12 Ghalley about 13,406 1.7770%
13 Tamang about 12,889 1.7085%
14 Gyeltshen about 9,249 1.2260%
15 Tenzin about 7,968 1.0562%
16 Tshomo about 6,623 0.8779%
17 Lham about 6,350 0.8417%
18 Yangzom about 6,286 0.8332%
19 Subba about 5,994 0.7945%
20 Phuntsho about 5,681 0.7530%
21 Penjor about 5,551 0.7358%
22 Norbu about 5,453 0.7228%
23 Dem about 5,156 0.6835%
24 Pem about 5,096 0.6755%
25 Mongar about 5,060 0.6707%
26 Zam about 4,918 0.6519%
27 Monger about 4,276 0.5668%
28 Thinley about 4,145 0.5494%
29 Jamtsho about 4,016 0.5323%
30 Lepcha about 3,860 0.5117%
31 Om about 3,842 0.5093%
32 Chhetri about 3,794 0.5029%
33 Limbu about 3,739 0.4956%
34 Choki about 3,631 0.4813%
35 Pemo about 3,590 0.4759%
36 Tobgay about 3,515 0.4659%
37 Pradhan about 2,819 0.3737%
38 Tashi about 2,787 0.3694%
39 Raini about 2,779 0.3684%
40 Doya about 2,775 0.3678%
41 Pelden about 2,752 0.3648%
42 Sherpa about 2,713 0.3596%
43 Dendup about 2,700 0.3579%
44 Bidha about 2,640 0.3499%
45 Dukpa about 2,591 0.3435%
46 Namgay about 2,559 0.3392%
47 Rinzin about 2,543 0.3371%
48 Lhaden about 2,536 0.3362%
49 Chozom about 2,522 0.3343%
50 Yuden about 2,445 0.3241%
51 Sharma about 2,437 0.3230%
52 Tshewang about 2,288 0.3033%
53 Mo about 2,221 0.2944%
54 Peldon about 2,139 0.2835%
55 Chophel about 1,919 0.2544%
56 Gyelmo about 1,919 0.2544%
57 Ghaley about 1,845 0.2446%
58 Kami about 1,825 0.2419%
59 Gyaltshen about 1,810 0.2399%
60 Gyem about 1,810 0.2399%
61 Rinchen about 1,796 0.2381%
62 Namgyel about 1,787 0.2369%
63 Chettri about 1,732 0.2296%
64 Drukpa about 1,640 0.2174%
65 Thapa about 1,634 0.2166%
66 Adhikari about 1,623 0.2151%
67 Lhadon about 1,623 0.2151%
68 Khandu about 1,595 0.2114%
69 Deki about 1,557 0.2064%
70 Yangchen about 1,552 0.2057%
71 Nidup about 1,551 0.2056%
72 Yangden about 1,536 0.2036%
73 Lhendup about 1,496 0.1983%
74 Yangdon about 1,394 0.1848%
75 Darjee about 1,370 0.1816%
76 Chezom about 1,274 0.1689%
77 Dolma about 1,269 0.1682%
78 Zangpo about 1,252 0.1660%
79 Dhendup about 1,247 0.1653%
80 Sunwar about 1,092 0.1448%
81 Uraon about 1,091 0.1446%
82 Bhujel about 1,090 0.1445%
83 Chhettri about 1,088 0.1442%
84 Namgyal about 1,051 0.1393%
85 Biswa about 992 0.1315%
86 Dahal about 976 0.1294%
87 Dorjee about 945 0.1253%
88 Yangki about 935 0.1239%
89 Pema about 928 0.1230%
90 Bida about 920 0.1220%
91 Kharka about 906 0.1201%
92 Dawa about 861 0.1141%
93 Delma about 858 0.1137%
94 Dechen about 855 0.1133%
95 Limboo about 854 0.1132%
96 Wangzom about 849 0.1125%
97 Raika about 820 0.1087%
98 Pelmo about 803 0.1064%
99 Ghalay about 781 0.1035%
100 Karki about 771 0.1022%

※references : Forebears(2021)


※This ranking is based on our own research and compilation based on references.
※Characters used in the last name may not be displayed depending on your environment.